Monday, July 29, 2013

2013.... 7 monthly evaluation

So at the beginning of this year I made a few little promises to myself that I wanted to carry through the year.......its time to see how I'm going 7 months in!

slow down......... well, whilst I think this move has been a little manic to say the least, I have consciously made an effort to slow down. Play with the kids more, be outside instead of inside, potter in the garden, spend time just 'hanging' with my little people while they ARE little. I haven't got this one perfect yet, but on my way.....tick!

listen more, talk less............ this is something I have always struggled with. But I'm so aware that now is the time, while my kids are young and wanting to talk and express and share, that I need to be open and listen, not jump in before they've finished or had the chance to solve their own problems. So too with my friends, being an active listener allows me to help them when they need help not when I think they do. Again. not perfect, but really trying.....tick!

try something new........... well, so far I've bungy swinged (the jump was wayyyyy to scary!) trying my hand at yoga and am booked to do a day of cake decorating later in the year....tick!

sew more...........this one I am definitely on track with, and finding the time has been tricky but as I have rediscovered it's here, in my little creative corner, that I am most content! I am able to zone out from the madness and just focus on the process of making something plain and turning into something awesome. I just love it....tick!

adventure more............. yep, our move to NZ has definitely assisted with this one. Nothing like a new country to explore! It's so great to be able to travel around, try new things, visit different places and know that your teaching the kids little lessons along the way. We are loving our adventures, and so are the kids....tick!

read , read, read..........I love to read. As a teenager I have to say I didn't do too much reading, but as I've gotten older I just love it. There always seems to be something I should be doing at the back of my mind, so allowing myself the time to sit, be still and read can take some effort, but so far so good....tick!

get fit...... sadly, this one hasn't really had a look in, but now that the kids are settled and doing well at school, I can focus a little more on the get fit part! Eating more raw foods, riding bikes instead of driving and evening out the energy in/energy out ratio is high on my agenda for the meaning 6 months.  (have a wedding to attend in October too, so nothing like little incentive!)

Overall, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. There of course is always room for improvement, but that's what life is about. Improving, finding balance and learning to love what we have.

How are your self promises going?  Do you need a 7 month evaluation like me?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

busy having fun......

Wow, time really flies when your having fun!

Sorry I've been absent for so long, but when your out adventuring there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day.

Firstly my mum came over for a week stay/play which was great. Reminded me how much we are missing our friends and family back home, but was nice to have her company and time to sit and chat and hang out while the kids were at school, and well the kids just thought it was 'the best'.

We did a little tour guiding for her, showing off some of the great spots we've discovered. drank coffees, ate cake, shopped, thrifted, sat by warm fires (although mum was still freezing) and enjoyed a wine or two!
Perfect way to spend a week I'd say.

Then as quickly as she arrived, she was gone and it was back to our routine of school, swimming, guides etc, but we had the very exciting holiday of SNOW to look forward to. The kids have never been skiing or anything close to skiing so the excitement was certainly building! We had sledges, snow boots and snow gear to buy, thermals to find, and that was just for the kids...see what I mean about 0 hours left.

Adventure time.......snow here we come!

We enjoyed blizzards, snow balls, sledge races, cousins to play with, hot chocolates, chocolate fish, late nights, thermal pools, wind storms, and most importantly the company of each other. I just love holidays for that reason.

Hoping to get back on track with the blogging and sharing of fun stuff, but till then I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are out there adventuring with those you love.

Monday, July 8, 2013

It's official....I sound like my mum!

When I was younger and still living at home, I'd answer the phone and get "Is that you Lu?" No!
Even my dad would often confuse us. A typical call would go, Me: hello. Dad: hi darling, I'm just on my way home. Have you got anything planned for dinner. Me: ah, no! It's me dad! 

Hence I changed my answering method to 'Hello, Claudia speaking' just to make it clear from the get go! Although I could never hear the similarities myself.

But somewhere in the last 8 years I have realised that I actually DO sound like my mum. The way I speak and even the things I say! 

Someone's going to get hurt in a minute.
No means no.
Because I said so.
I'll count to three.
Do I look like a slave?
Couches are for sitting on, not bouncing.
Hats off in the house.
I don't care who started it.............

And these are all just the ones that came out of mouth this week! 

It's actually been a really great reminder to me, that what we hear as children become the things we repeat as adults. Its critical now that we should watch WHAT we say, and HOW we say it. Now is the time we can be boosting confidence, instilling empathy, becoming the voice that will become their inner voice later.

Do you sound like your mum? Is there something you wish you were told that you weren't? What things do you repeat that remind you of your childhood?
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