Today marks 4 weeks that we arrived 'across the ditch'.
Is it too soon to get with the lingo??
Can I stop saying thongs and say jandles?
Can I say togs instead of cosie?
I'm just not sure!
Here's a few more for you.......
biff it = throw it out
squab = spare mattress
tog top = rashie
verge = nature strip
skiv = disappear
jersey = jumper
They are all words that get used almost daily by us and those around us, so they may just creep in?
The one thing that WILL NOT creep in, is how they finish off every sentence with an "ay". It's said at the end of a question, a sentence or just a statement and it drives me crazy. Bib has said it once and was quickly corrected and given strict instructions about picking this up!
I don't know how we'll sound in 2 years or what 'lingo' we'll be picking up only time will the mean time we loved having a little giggle!!
What words have you picked up along your travels? Have you managed to keep your accent when you've lived away??